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Cook County Administration Building

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Completed in 1911 in the Classical Revival style, Cook County Administration and Chicago City Hall are both housed in a city block structure designed by the architectural firm of Holabird and Roche. Ornate, Rococco-style bronze lanterns and flattened groin vaults distinguish the high, spacious hallways. The lanterns themselves are over six feet tall and weigh over 300 lbs.. The matching wall sconces and flush mounted ceiling lights create a richly decorated family of fixtures appropriate for the Classical Revival style and the dignity of the interior.

This project involved the restoration of the existing historic fixtures, replications from drawings and photos, and replications from some originals lights. For the upper floors of the administrative building, new corridor fixtures were chosen from SLALCO’S custom design archives and engineered according to the IES light level recommendations for public spaces. 

Historic Lighting Consultant: Gary Behm, I.E.S.

Architect: Dan Franks, A.I.A. with Campbell Tiu Campbell

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