Colorado State Capitol
Designed by Elijah E. Meyers, the Colorado State Capitol was completed between 1886 and 1908 in a neo-classical style similar to the U.S. Capitol. Restoration of the House and Senate Chambers started as early as 2011, but the bulk of the work took place between 2016 and 2018.
The original gas and electric chandeliers had been shortened to half their height during an earlier remodel, and the original teardrop-style shades had been replaced with large spun metal reflectors for intense downlight. SLALCO restored the chandeliers to their original configurations using historic photos from the Capitol's architect, and coordinated with the general contractor to use a lowering/lift system that allowed the fixtures to remain connected to power.
The use of LEDs used one tenth of the energy compared to the old incandescent lamps. SLALCO also designed the rostrum standards and wall sconces to match the historic, monumental chandeliers. The restoration of the lighting at the Capitol is an ongoing effort with additional work at the Grand Staircase and in committee rooms following the House and Senate Chambers.
Architect of the Capitol: Lance Shephard
Project Architect: Anderson Hallas
Historic Lighting Consultant: Gary Behm, I.E.S.